Buletin EJT

Fundraising for Semeru by BEM FKIP


Mount Semeru eruption natural disaster. Based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Monday (06/12) at 20.15 WIB, at least 22 people died, while 22 people were declared missing and 56 others were injured. The eruption also affected 5,205 people. This happened because there was no early warning of an eruption of Mount Semeru. (Speaks of residents). Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, held a fundraiser for the victims of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster. Which will be held on Friday, December 17, 2021, at 14.10 WIB, which is located at the intersection of Jalan Lowanu, Yogyakarta.

Wanda Anida Desiana Putri, as a member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)  Ahmad Dahlan University Faculty of Law, believes that the purpose of this fundraising is “as a sense of our humanity to our fellow victims of natural disasters in Semeru. And also as a form of our humanity together.” 

Nur Syarifudin Hardianto as a member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa(BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said that “after all the funds were collected, both online and offline donors. Later we will distribute it through Lazismu DIY ”

And for the fundraising participants themselves, it includes all members of the Student Executive Board (BEM) at Ahmad Dahlan University. And also followed by several other ormawa such as IMM (Muhammadiyah Student Association), Nur Syarifudin Hardianto himself confirmed that “for the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education itself we invite three commissariats who are in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. And yes, IMM also joined.”

With this fundraising, at least we have alleviated the problems that are being faced by the victims of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster. And we hope that the victims can return to their normal lives, and let’s pray together, that this natural disaster will soon pass and the victims can carry out their activities as usual.
