
Organization Structure of EDSA

Buletin EJT

EVA ECHA 2022: Sparks Your Soul and Light Up Your Future With Your Talent


On Sunday (23/1), the English Department Student Association (EDSA) collaborated with EDSA Journalist Team (EJT), PeBei Family Theater, Peer Assisted Learning Program (PALP), and PBI Media Syndicate held the opening ceremony of the 38th English Education Department anniversary event or known as the English Vaganza & EDSA Championship (EVA ECHA). This event took place in a hybrid way, at the Ahmad Dahlan University Medical Amphitheater and on Zoom Meeting.

As reported before, EVA ECHA 2022 has the theme “SPARKS YOUR SOUL AND LIGHT UP YOUR FUTURE WITH YOUR TALENT”, this event lasts until March 13th, 2022. The execution of this year’s event is different from the last year’s event. The committee together with the approval of the English Education study program committee dared to carry out the opening ceremony in blended method. Where it can be attended directly by the lecturers, and then delegated by inviting invited guests, inviting extraordinary presenters to enliven this series of Milad events.

The series of opening events included reading Quran by Dimas Kurnia Putra, speeches by chief executive of this event, chief of EDSA (English Students Association), chief of English Education study program and dean of FKIP UAD, launching of the EVA ECA logo, launching of the PBI the Next Educator logo, launching of activity pamphlets that includes competition pamphlets, podcasts, talk shows, and webinars, entertainment from PBI students as well as PBI TALK and MBKM special events.

“The impression for the EVA ECHA opening event was extraordinary because of the interesting series of events with the PBI Talk and MBKM Talks which presented great speakers, the chief executive said. During EVA ECHA, various scientific and religious competitions and webinars were held such as PBI Looking for Stars, 4th of ADEG, MTQ Competition, EDSA Science Shop (EWI), MBKM Talk, PBI Talk, Webinars, TOEFL discussion, Undergraduate Conference.

In this activity there are several competitions that will be carried out not only in the academic field but also in non-academic. In this academic competition there is poetry and short stories, while for non-academics there are poster designs photography, dancing and singing and there is also an MTQ competition. “The hope for this event is that the entire series of events will run smoothly and be successful until the closing,” said the chief executive.



Buletin EJT

Opening Ceremony for the 61th Anniversary of FKIP by BEM FKIP UAD

For celebrating the Gist anniversary of FKIP UAD, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FKIP UAD has held an opening ceremony which was held on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, yesterday. For this event, BEM FKIP UAD used the theme “‘Increase Your Creativity with FKIP Ceremony.” “As for the concept, we provide collaboration and a forum for students in this event, so it is hoped that through the concept of this theme, this event can be a place to accommodate the creativity of all FKIP UAD students.” said Yudha as a Chief Executive Event.

In carrying out the mobility of all activities and the flow of the opening ceremony itself, unfortunately it is still carried out online with YouTube for the platform because of considering that there is still a pandemic.

“For the event, we are fully online, but our committee has decided to go offline to campus, there are more or less 15 committee members who come to campus,” said Ulfiana as Student Governor of BEM FKIP UAD. In the FKIP Ceremony, the initial agenda was opened with remarks by the deputy dean, after the agenda the ribbon cutting was symbolically carried out by the FKIP BEM governor.

The most interesting thing in this event was that BEM FKIP was holding a campus tour that invited HMPS representatives from FKIP, LSO, IMM, etc, and they were introduced all of the student organizations in FKIP UAD to the audience at home. And the last things, that in the middle of the event and at the end of the event, there will be entertainment from the Ormawa who show their talents and interests at the FKIP Ceremony stage.

In this case, the committee successfully held the event. However, in its implementation there are still some obstacles experienced. As said by Ulfiana in the interview session. “Today’s obstacles were quite/ a lot, from the expected and the unexpected. The expected was related to borrowing a place because it was still in the pandemic. The unexpected were technical problems, such as setting up from Zoom to live YouTube and others”. Broadly speaking, today’s activities are not only to commemorate the Gist anniversary of FKIP, namely to strengthen relations within the FKIP family and become a gathering place for educational programs. In this regard, Yudha hopes that FKIP can continue to shine brightly and be able to produce Islamic students who are competent in their respective fields.


Buletin EJT

“Cipta Rasa” by Theatre PeBeI


On 18 December 2021, student activity units, Tater PeBel in collaboration with HMPS EDSA and Tater Roeang 28, performed a drama entitled “Cipta Rasa”. It’s about students complaining about college life. “Cipta Rasa” is where someone can tell all of their thoughts freely, without some border, some fear, some clumsiness from the deepest part of the heart,” Isfa, head of production.

They had problems about the show. Teater PeBel is practicing with many obstacles. Three month is a little time for some casts to do practice, and they are doing practice in a pandemic situation and it’s made them deal with “Jam Malam” at college. Another problem is their lack of cast. It’s also the reason why they do collaboration. “Not just that, we do collaboration because we want to share for all our friends, about how it feels doing drama on stage,”Adit, director. With all of the problems, they can greatly present a show with over 100 audience members even though they limit it to just 70 people.

Teater PeBel didn’t expect how big the interest of people in drama would be. Audience might have been longing to see the show in an offline situation. Adit as director, didn’t expect that. He told me about the H-1 reservation; it’s reserved for more than 100. As an actress, Nirwana had difficulty doing “Cipta Rasa” drama. She needs to keep the mood because they can’t match the mood of all the cast. And also the cast isn’t coming from the same class, 17, 18, 19, and 20. With different activities they do the practice together. And in practice, the storyline can change to suit casts or because they are not so related. It’s the function of practice. 

The interesting part of “Cipta Rasa” is they make a restaurant known as “burjo” for their setting It is because “burJo” is the fundamental place for students. Everyday students gather at “burjo” to eat or just hang out. At “burjo” anything can happen, maybe a fight suddenly happens or maybe some little thought appears.

We have another point of view as well from the lead of Teater PeBel, Bagas. He told us that it is very difficult to make sure anything goes well in three months of preparation. He gets leaked to observe his character as Pak Burjo and is forced to perform maximally. He hopes that the next project, there will be regeneration from Teater Peel itself and make the biggest project at the next time.


Buletin EJT

Fundraising for Semeru by BEM FKIP


Mount Semeru eruption natural disaster. Based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Monday (06/12) at 20.15 WIB, at least 22 people died, while 22 people were declared missing and 56 others were injured. The eruption also affected 5,205 people. This happened because there was no early warning of an eruption of Mount Semeru. (Speaks of residents). Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, held a fundraiser for the victims of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster. Which will be held on Friday, December 17, 2021, at 14.10 WIB, which is located at the intersection of Jalan Lowanu, Yogyakarta.

Wanda Anida Desiana Putri, as a member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)  Ahmad Dahlan University Faculty of Law, believes that the purpose of this fundraising is “as a sense of our humanity to our fellow victims of natural disasters in Semeru. And also as a form of our humanity together.” 

Nur Syarifudin Hardianto as a member of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa(BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said that “after all the funds were collected, both online and offline donors. Later we will distribute it through Lazismu DIY ”

And for the fundraising participants themselves, it includes all members of the Student Executive Board (BEM) at Ahmad Dahlan University. And also followed by several other ormawa such as IMM (Muhammadiyah Student Association), Nur Syarifudin Hardianto himself confirmed that “for the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education itself we invite three commissariats who are in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. And yes, IMM also joined.”

With this fundraising, at least we have alleviated the problems that are being faced by the victims of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster. And we hope that the victims can return to their normal lives, and let’s pray together, that this natural disaster will soon pass and the victims can carry out their activities as usual.


Buletin EJT

The Impression Behind PBI Virtual Camp


PBI virtual camp event (Makrab PBI 2021). The event was held by the English Education Study Program on 30-31 October 2021, which involved members of the PBI unit as the event committee and certainly involved new students in 2021 as participants. Of course, there are many interesting facts that we can reveal regarding this event based on our interviews with some students who participated in this PBI virtual camp event.

This year, the theme of the PBI virtual camp event is focused on elevating the local cultural values, as revealed by our first resource person, the chairman of the PBI virtual camp organizing committee.  “At this year’s PBI Virtual Camp event, we raised the theme “Evoke Our Local Culture” which means “Membangkitkan Budaya Lokal Kita”, Culture plays an important role in human life. As we know, human civilization on earth is the result of culture. It is noted that Indonesia is one of the countries that has the richest local culture in the world.” 

It is expected for us to be more familiar with our traditional cultures, especially in the games and languages of our ancestors. It will certainly make us nostalgic and grow our love for traditional games that are increasingly rare in today’s era. By holding this PBI virtual camp event, it is hoped that students can get to know each other better for those in different semesters and different classes. So that in the future good communication can be established between fellow students at PBI. As we know that in an event there must be obstacles and disagreements in the process.

“How to coordinate all aspects? Of course, it is not an easy thing to do. In my opinion, the most important thing to coordinate everything is good communication. Why? Because in a committee, there will definitely be conflicts or contradictions. Whether it’s about ideas, characters, or others. That is why conflict must be controlled so that it does not interfere with the performance of each part. There must be coordination. The committee does not belong to just one part, but it belongs to all members of the committee. There must be effective coordination so that there are no errors in work. In this regard, it is necessary to avoid the occurrence of miscommunication. 

Although there were several miscommunications during yesterday’s activity, Alhamdulillah, overall our event was able to run well. Thanks to the hard work of the entire committee and also those who participated in helping the continuity of our event, thank you.

The 2021 PBI virtual camp event was a suceess with a very well-planned and well-thought-out preparation from the committees. It was answered in the response of one of the participants, he said: “I am so happy with this event, especially with such a cool mentor. Through this event, we were able to gain a lot of experience that will help us expand our relationship with the 2021 batch and the previous batch. Apart from that, we also get to know more about PBI units such as EDSA, EJT, PBI Theatre Family, and others. In the process of making videos, we don’t feel burdened even though there are some obstacles, actually, it will add to our experience in the future if next year we get the opportunity to become coordinators like the committees now.”

The message for all of us is not to feel burdened in doing it, enjoy it, and then we will feel happy in participating in the event.

Nurinsani&Iin Nur

Buletin EJT

Blended Learning As the New Normal and Emerging Digitalization


One year of the pandemic, UAD dared to step up to create a new learning method. This step is taken so that the learning process continues even though it does not entirely use conventional methods. Ahmad Dahlan University maximizes digitization in this pandemic era by implementing blended learning. Blended learning broadly means a learning method that combines various delivery methods between online and offline learning methods. In its implementation, UAD lecturers invite students who have capable to take part in face-to-face learning and facilitate students who does not meet the requirements to participate in learning via zoom. This is considered quite effective because students who have obstacles in the implementation of online learning methods can get access to material from other friends who take part in face-to-face learning. Vice versa for students who have not obstacles to take part in face-to-face learning, even though they have met the requirements, to be able to take part in online learning. So, this method is considered more flexible to be applied by each student. In Miss Arilia Triyoga’s class, there are about 4 students who meet the requirements to take part in face-to-face learning from a total of 18 students. The requirements that must be fullfiled for the student are the form of a letter of permission from parents and proof of vaccine at least 1 dose. Miss Arilia also believes that this learning model is livelier because it has real interactions between lecturers and students.

“The advantage is that there is actual interaction, yes, there is actual interaction, meaning that in that class the student does not hesitate to ask questions, and if students are confused, there is a facial expression that shows the confusion, making it easier for the lecturer to analyze or explain further.”

During the blended learning method, Miss Ari used two devices to stay connected between face-to-face students and online students. She thinks that this makes it easier for her to carry out face-to-face learning in her class, such as walking around and leaving the table, but online students still get material from Miss Ari’s voice connected to her cellphone.

From the perspective of the lecturer, face-to-face learning remains an option and hopes that the transition from online to offline learning will soon pass. Miss Ari hopes that the condition will recover quickly so that PBI be brave to set offline learning in its entirety.

From the whole explanation above, it feels incomplete if we don’t see it from the student’s perspective. Our friend, Icha shared her views on blended learning.

Overall, her understanding of this learning is almost the same as Miss Ari’s. She also explained from the perspective of students themselves, they prefer face-to-face learning. This is because there are too many distractions experienced by students during online learning.

“Yeah, it’s harder to learn. Online, there are more temptations.”

During blended learning, Icha hopes that at least students will attend face-to-face classes so that this program can be implemented properly. Then she also hopes that there will be a proper camera to highlight the lecturers during the learning process so that two devices are not needed as Miss Ari did anymore.

She said that so far (online) learning had not been going as it should and she was feeling lonely and bored at home.

The realization of this blended learning was the good news for both students and lecturers. They were very enthusiastic in participating in this face-to-face learning experiment. We hope that this method will continue to develop in a better direction in the process of digitizing education.


EJT Press Realease

Launching Infinitum Magazine 8th Generation


On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Edsa Journalist Team (EIT) of English Education Study Program Ahmad Dahlan University held the release of Infinitum 8th magazine with the theme “Living with the Virus” which was carried out online through the ZOOM in the Language Laboratorium of Campus 4 UAD. This activity was attended by approximately 25 students.

This event started at 09.00 by presenting a magazine reviewer, namely Heru Prasetya as the editor-in-chief of MediaMu. It was opened by the Head of the PBI Study Program, Dr. Ani Susanti, M. Pd. Bi, and guided by Ababil Isnaindra as the moderator, and Tika Anggraini as the host.

In this event, Heru Prasetya dissects one by one the contents of the magazines that have been made by the EJT team. There are various contents in the magazine, including; first is a main report consisting of 4 articles entitled Planting TOGA as a Fun Learning Media in the Midst of a Pandemic, Omicron Sundries, The Fate of The Malioboro Economy Now (Is The Pandemic over?), No D+ But Still making Money in college. The second is a survey related to the development of Omicron, third is the content of opinions from high-ranking organizations at FKIP (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan/Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) and PBI (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/English Education Study Program). In addition, Nusantara Insight contains information related to the current state of Malioboro and the klitih phenomenon in Yogyakarta. And there are 2 updated news from FKIP, namely related to electric cars made from the PVTO (Pendidikan Vokasional Teknologi Otomatis/Automated Technology Vocational Education) Study Program. And don’t forget at the end of the magazine content to provide some entertainment and tips.

The series of events for today is starting trom the opening, recitation of the Qur’an, singing songs, speeches, magazine review sessions, and entertainment from the ET team as a sign of the end of the event.

In this case, the committee was successful in holding the event until it was finished; even though there were several Obstacles experienced from before the magazine’s release until the event took place. But apart from that, all the teams involved have carried out their duties to the best of their ability.

EJT Press Realease

News Writing Training

On Sunday, November 28, 2021, the Edsa Journalist Team (EJT) of PBI UAD held a training related to news writing with the theme “Synergy to Build Young Journalists” which was carried out in a blended manner, namely online in the integrated Lab of UAD campus 4 and virtual using Zoom Meeting and live YouTube. This activity was attended by approximately 60 students.

This event started at 08.00 by cooperating with the editor-in-chief of MediaMu as the presenter, namely Heru Prasetya. It was opened by the Head of the PBI Study Program, Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd. Bi, and hosted by Yuhyin Nufus, as well as by host Pamastu Narpaduita.

Heru Prasetya explained a lot of information related to news writing One of the principles in writing news is simple, active and complex sentences by avoiding unnecessary words. He also emphasized that the news must be facts on the ground. In the sense that journalists should not lie in writing the existing news.

In this event, the participants were very enthusiastic, as evidenced by the many participants who asked questions during the question and answer session. At the end of the event, Heru Prasetya gave tips on news writing, “if you join the training or attend as a news seeker, take notes and mark the important things, so that when writing news you can immediately find the point you want to convey in the news,” he said.

EJT Press Realease

Techno Training “Ngolah Website”


English Department Student Association (EDSA), FKIP, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta held an online training with the theme “Techno-Training Processing Websites” on Sunday (17/10/2021) through a zoom meeting. This event was held for members of EDSA, LSO, and PALP and was attended by around 50 participants. This online training was opened with remarks from the Deputy Chairperson of HMPS PBI (EDSA), Hasika Laila. Moderated by Aulia Hidayati, and guided by Naela Fariha as the host.

There are two sessions in the training. The first session was filled with sharing section by Mr. Farid Suryanto, S.Pd., MT as a trainer, regarding his early entry into the IT world.

According to him, the IT world is not only specifically for engineering students, but it can be entered by anyone as long as they have a high desire to study related fields, “I was a mathematics student, then because I was interested in the IT world I finally decided to enter that world,” he completes.

In the next session, Mr. Farid started giving directions starting from creating a website domain, creating a sitemap, making a design, determining CMS technology, implementing design, managing, and analyzing traffic which all participants participated in. According to Farid, the training to processing a website needs to be followed and applied directly by the participants, so that it will be more effective and stick to the memory.

Overall, the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the training. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the number of participants who attended until the end of the event and the many questions that arose.