Youth is a time of great joy, a time of telling new things, and interesting, but who would have thought it would be a time susceptible to mental health disorders. Before we further discuss the matter, let us understand what a mental disorder is? Mental disorders (or mental illnesses) are conditions that affect our thinking, feelings, mood, and behavior. They can affect our ability to relate to others and function each day. So, people with mental health disorders will be disturbed in thinking, mood and behavior. These three things can change suddenly. For example, a person who initially had a good mood suddenly became very sad, even became restless. Therefore, it was mentioned above that it can affect the ability to socialize with others and can create limitations for the sufferer to carry out daily functions. There are several types of mental health disorders, including; anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. Then what causes the young generation to be susceptible to mental disorders?, and how to overcome the problem?
The 10-24 year age range is a transition period, in which children become teenagers and adolescents become mature. There have been many physical and psychic changes these times. What can cause mental disorders is that when adolescents cannot accept changes, not only accept themselves but they should also be able to accept others, then lacking the ability to solve daily problems. Depression tends to be caused by stress and pessimistic thinking causes teenagers to react badly to the small defeats in their lives. How to interpret life in a pessimistic way seems to increase the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness in depression experienced by adolescents (Goleman, 1997). Pessimistic thinking can also make individuals slower to respond to efforts that can help them get out of problems, and instead choose to surrender, deny and do nothing (van Berkel, 2009). For example, when a teenager has a problem either from within himself or from outside. If they are unable to finish it, continue to think negatively, have no hope or optimism, even to the point of feeling low, then this can be the cause of mental health problems. In addition, mental health disorders can also be caused by past events that continue to be remembered or other traumatic events. Mental interference is a problem that will definitely affect both yourself and the environment.
Mental health disorders can cause other problems, starting from interfering with daily activities. The incidence of depression in adolescents will be very dangerous because it can result in the difficulty of adolescents to concentrate or decrease in memory, loss of enthusiasm, feelings of pleasure and interest, which of course can have implications for lessons at school (Yosep, 2007). Even mental health disorders can also have a more serious impact, because they can make the sufferer isolated from the social environment, use illegal drugs, and can lead to suicide. Therefore, what measures can be taken to address the problem?
The closest course is for a parent to approach the child, communicate with the child to find out what the child is going through. Afterward, the parent must help the child find the best solution to the child’s problem and stay by his side and encourage the child. Another approach to take is a religious approach, which can help a child feel more relaxed. Then the parents must allow the child access to professional consultations to treat the problem in a proper manner.
In conclusion, mental health disorder is the condition in which a person has disturbed thinking, feelings and behavior, which can also interfere with relationships with others. Mental health disorders in teenagers are the result of some causes, including can’t accept themselves, pessimism, lack of ability to deal with problems and traumatic events in the past. It definitely has a bad effect on oneself and on the social life of those affected by mental health disorders. Every problem has a solution, as with this problem, some of the ways that it can be done to address the problem of mental disorder in teenagers is that parents should approach children, approach them spiritually, and provide children with facilities to consult experts.