One year of the pandemic, UAD dared to step up to create a new learning method. This step is taken so that the learning process continues even though it does not entirely use conventional methods. Ahmad Dahlan University maximizes digitization in this pandemic era by implementing blended learning. Blended learning broadly means a learning method that combines various delivery methods between online and offline learning methods. In its implementation, UAD lecturers invite students who have capable to take part in face-to-face learning and facilitate students who does not meet the requirements to participate in learning via zoom. This is considered quite effective because students who have obstacles in the implementation of online learning methods can get access to material from other friends who take part in face-to-face learning. Vice versa for students who have not obstacles to take part in face-to-face learning, even though they have met the requirements, to be able to take part in online learning. So, this method is considered more flexible to be applied by each student. In Miss Arilia Triyoga’s class, there are about 4 students who meet the requirements to take part in face-to-face learning from a total of 18 students. The requirements that must be fullfiled for the student are the form of a letter of permission from parents and proof of vaccine at least 1 dose. Miss Arilia also believes that this learning model is livelier because it has real interactions between lecturers and students.
“The advantage is that there is actual interaction, yes, there is actual interaction, meaning that in that class the student does not hesitate to ask questions, and if students are confused, there is a facial expression that shows the confusion, making it easier for the lecturer to analyze or explain further.”
During the blended learning method, Miss Ari used two devices to stay connected between face-to-face students and online students. She thinks that this makes it easier for her to carry out face-to-face learning in her class, such as walking around and leaving the table, but online students still get material from Miss Ari’s voice connected to her cellphone.
From the perspective of the lecturer, face-to-face learning remains an option and hopes that the transition from online to offline learning will soon pass. Miss Ari hopes that the condition will recover quickly so that PBI be brave to set offline learning in its entirety.
From the whole explanation above, it feels incomplete if we don’t see it from the student’s perspective. Our friend, Icha shared her views on blended learning.
Overall, her understanding of this learning is almost the same as Miss Ari’s. She also explained from the perspective of students themselves, they prefer face-to-face learning. This is because there are too many distractions experienced by students during online learning.
“Yeah, it’s harder to learn. Online, there are more temptations.”
During blended learning, Icha hopes that at least students will attend face-to-face classes so that this program can be implemented properly. Then she also hopes that there will be a proper camera to highlight the lecturers during the learning process so that two devices are not needed as Miss Ari did anymore.
She said that so far (online) learning had not been going as it should and she was feeling lonely and bored at home.
The realization of this blended learning was the good news for both students and lecturers. They were very enthusiastic in participating in this face-to-face learning experiment. We hope that this method will continue to develop in a better direction in the process of digitizing education.