For celebrating the Gist anniversary of FKIP UAD, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FKIP UAD has held an opening ceremony which was held on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, yesterday. For this event, BEM FKIP UAD used the theme “‘Increase Your Creativity with FKIP Ceremony.” “As for the concept, we provide collaboration and a forum for students in this event, so it is hoped that through the concept of this theme, this event can be a place to accommodate the creativity of all FKIP UAD students.” said Yudha as a Chief Executive Event.
In carrying out the mobility of all activities and the flow of the opening ceremony itself, unfortunately it is still carried out online with YouTube for the platform because of considering that there is still a pandemic.
“For the event, we are fully online, but our committee has decided to go offline to campus, there are more or less 15 committee members who come to campus,” said Ulfiana as Student Governor of BEM FKIP UAD. In the FKIP Ceremony, the initial agenda was opened with remarks by the deputy dean, after the agenda the ribbon cutting was symbolically carried out by the FKIP BEM governor.
The most interesting thing in this event was that BEM FKIP was holding a campus tour that invited HMPS representatives from FKIP, LSO, IMM, etc, and they were introduced all of the student organizations in FKIP UAD to the audience at home. And the last things, that in the middle of the event and at the end of the event, there will be entertainment from the Ormawa who show their talents and interests at the FKIP Ceremony stage.
In this case, the committee successfully held the event. However, in its implementation there are still some obstacles experienced. As said by Ulfiana in the interview session. “Today’s obstacles were quite/ a lot, from the expected and the unexpected. The expected was related to borrowing a place because it was still in the pandemic. The unexpected were technical problems, such as setting up from Zoom to live YouTube and others”. Broadly speaking, today’s activities are not only to commemorate the Gist anniversary of FKIP, namely to strengthen relations within the FKIP family and become a gathering place for educational programs. In this regard, Yudha hopes that FKIP can continue to shine brightly and be able to produce Islamic students who are competent in their respective fields.