
Online Learning Experiences During Pandemic Era

Author: Raihandy Rafi Suharman

I think the lectures at this pandemic are severe and sometimes difficult to pass for some students who are sometimes compromised by some factors and one of them is a signal, though sometimes there are also teachers who don’t understand and give no more time for the task at hand that eat a lot of Internet data packages and a lot of time for their migration.

Therefore many students who dislike online lectures because of these obstacles, they also bore me with not being able to get in touch with friends or teachers and obviously college material is difficult to understand when lecturing online.

We students are so looking forward to the face-to-face lecture because this online lecture is boring to us and it makes our phones so full of the tasks given by the lecturer, but even if it does there is a kind teacher who really makes it easier for the student to go to college online.

And perhaps in order to overcome a bad signal, it’s impossible for students in different areas to use different Internet parcels and therefore we thank teachers who are willing to care about our problems, even though there may be some students who are less content with the extra time.

Another obstacle during online lectures is the untenable teaching that often schedule collisions with other diets that may be a problem that can be solved, but for us the student was surprised by the sudden and seemingly hurried nature of the clock because it collided with another lecture.

The online college app according to me Google class room, Whatsapp Group and Google meet are the applications for simple online lectures even though in Google meet sometimes the signal is cut off because of the weather constraint on the signal. Why did I choose Google class room as a simple online lecture method? Because in Google classroom don’t eat much of the data package and alhamdulillah rarely cringe, so do the wa groups, even though sometimes chat groups are often billed by messages from other friends but there is no problem so far.