
What Causes Mental Health Disorders in The Younger Generation?


Youth is a time of great joy, a time of telling new things, and interesting, but who would have thought it would be a time susceptible to mental health disorders. Before we further discuss the matter, let us understand what a mental disorder is? Mental disorders (or mental illnesses) are conditions that affect our thinking, feelings, mood, and behavior. They can affect our ability to relate to others and function each day. So, people with mental health disorders will be disturbed in thinking, mood and behavior. These three things can change suddenly. For example, a person who initially had a good mood suddenly became very sad, even became restless. Therefore, it was mentioned above that it can affect the ability to socialize with others and can create limitations for the sufferer to carry out daily functions. There are several types of mental health disorders, including; anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. Then what causes the young generation to be susceptible to mental disorders?, and how to overcome the problem?


Say No to Stuttering in English

Author: Naufal Luthfi Afif Habibullah

The era of globalization exerts a real variety of influences in life. The rapid development of technology is one of the influences of globalization. The rapid development of globalization facilitates cooperation between countries. Establishing cooperation globally requires good communication skills. The use of good language is key to creating in line communication. Language has become a means of communication in conveying the purpose in order to be accepted by others. Language can be said to be an asset in survival.

Facing global promiscuity requires one to learn English. English has been established as an international language since the 20th century. Therefore, learning English becomes an important need to face intense global competition. There are many ways to learn English in this era. However, stuttering foreign languages, especially English is still homework for Indonesia. An astounding fact for our country.


How to Overcome Nervousness When Public Speaking

Author: Firna Iranda

Nervousness is a feeling that is usually experienced by someone that occurs when the body responds to worries in the mind, stress, fear and others. Especially when you want to speak in public. There are many factors that make a person feel nervous when public speaking. For example, there are anxiety disorders that arise when seeing the audience, an uncomfortable room or stage condition, feelings of insecurity, fear of saying the wrong thing, and lack of preparation and understanding of the material to be delivered. In this case, it takes some way to overcome nervousness when public speaking.


The Culture and Language of Indonesia

Author: Ardliati Muharrommah 

Language is a communication tool used by one person to another for social interaction. The official language in Indonesia is Indonesian, although Indonesia is a country that has a lot of language diversity, it is still one of the main languages ​​in Indonesia. While culture is a lifestyle that develops in certain areas and is passed down from generation to generation. This article will discuss more deeply about the language and culture in Indonesia, the goal is that all Indonesian people do not forget these two interrelated things. There is a theory that says that language is part of a culture but there is also one who says that language and culture are different things. Next we will discuss what the relationship between language and culture is.

The relationship between language and culture is subordinating and coordinating. The meaning of subordination is that language and culture are closely related and cannot be separated. Language is under the scope of culture. Meanwhile, what is meant by co-ordinating is that language and culture have an equal relationship and have the same high position. But there are still many who think that language and culture are not too important and begin to fade even though they know that the two are interconnected.


Online Learning Experiences During Pandemic Era

Author: Raihandy Rafi Suharman

I think the lectures at this pandemic are severe and sometimes difficult to pass for some students who are sometimes compromised by some factors and one of them is a signal, though sometimes there are also teachers who don’t understand and give no more time for the task at hand that eat a lot of Internet data packages and a lot of time for their migration.

Therefore many students who dislike online lectures because of these obstacles, they also bore me with not being able to get in touch with friends or teachers and obviously college material is difficult to understand when lecturing online.

We students are so looking forward to the face-to-face lecture because this online lecture is boring to us and it makes our phones so full of the tasks given by the lecturer, but even if it does there is a kind teacher who really makes it easier for the student to go to college online.